Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Breaking The Fan part 5; Kai

 After my meet up with Kallaway, I teleported off to find the source of the energy spike we had felt. Unfortunately, I ended up being off a bit. I could still feel the energy, though, so I ecided to begin walking towards it. I had used the God's Way a lot when talking Kallaway down, so I'd need some time to recover before using it any more.

Eventually, I stumbled upon something I hadn't been expecting to find.

Kai was sitting down, back against the ruins of a building surrounded by trees. I couldn't tell from a distance, but as I got closer, I realized he had been injured.

I approached him and examined his wounds. Thankfully, they weren't too serious, and I was able to patch him up easily.

"Doc...," he said, as I was working on treating him. "It was..."

"I know," I told him.  "Just take it easy."

I finished my work, and rose to my feet, turning to face the direction his energy was coming from.

"What are you going to do?" Kai asked me.

I let out a sigh, before straightening up, and putting on my game face.

"I'm afraid I have a pink slip to hand out," I said.

I then began marching forward, mentally preparing myself to confront my intern.