Saturday, December 28, 2019

Update from my end

This is Kallaway. Figured I'd make a post since the SMSC apparently has you running errands.

I was talking with Elie about options for how we could get a tree sample, and I think we've settled on something.

"We really don't know many people with access to the domain the tree exists on," Elie said. "The only guy I can think of off the top of my head is Raoul, and I doubt he'd willing to help."

"Then I'll talk to him," I said.

"I'm sorry, but what?" Elie asked.

"You get me to him, and I'll convince him to help," I said.

"You make it sound easy," he said.

"Trust me, I can handle this," I said. "But first, we should get some volunteers. If we're going to another domain to get a sample of a dangerous tree, we'll need some capable hands on deck."

"I agree," Elie said. "What about Ren? Skilled swordsman could make a good addition to the group."

"I'll swing by the training grounds and see if he's there," I said. "If so, I'll ask if he's game."

We parted ways and headed to the training ground, thinking about how I should really just get Ren's number so I wouldn't have to go looking for him whenever I needed to talk. I didn't find him at the training grounds, but I did find Tyler there, practicing with a wooden sword against a training dummy. He was breathing pretty heavily, and working up a sweat.

"How long have you been at this, kid?" I asked.

"I dunno," he said. "An hour-ish?"

I sat down on a bench and patted the spot next to me.

"Take a break, okay?" I said.

"I'm not gonna get any stronger if I slack off," he said.

"Yeah, well if all you do is train, all you're gonna accomplish is exhausting yourself and succumbing to fatigue," I said. "Have a seat."

He reluctantly set his sword down and sat beside me.

"So why are you so determined to get stronger?" I asked. "You must have something driving you."

He stayed quiet for a little bit before speaking.

"You've been around the boss a lot, right?" he asked.

"Daniel? Yeah, I guess I've had to deal with him quite a bit," I said. "Why?"

"Whenever he's around, it always feels like he's the most powerful person in the room," he said. "Even before I learned about all this eldritch stuff, and just what he was really capable of, he always has this air of confidence that makes him seem so much bigger than everyone else."

Well, I can't exactly say that's inaccurate. It's true that Daniel's presence feels just as dangerous as his reputation would imply. That's not even getting into how powerful he actually is.

"I want to feel that kind of strength," Tyler said. "I kind of... envy him."

"I see," I said.

"But I have a long way to go," he sighed. "My form is still terrible. That's why I'm out here training."

"Have you ever had any training before?" I asked.

"Not really," Tyler said. "Ren's the first real combat trainer I've ever had."

I see. That was the problem...

"Tell you what," I said. "You feel rested?"

"Yeah, I think so," he said.

"Good," I said. "Let's spar."

He stood up and went to retrieve his wooden sword.

"Hey, can I see that for a sec?" he asked.

"Sure," he said.

I took it from him and tossed it aside.

"Hey!" he exclaimed.

I stood in front of him and took a stance.

"The reason you're having trouble fighting with a weapon is because you never learned to fight without one," I said. "Trust me, swordplay will come a lot more naturally to you if you practice some regular martial arts first."

He hesitantly took a stance across from me.

"We're gonna do some semi-kumite," I said. "We're gonna train with each other at a fraction of our normal speed, so that we can observe each other easier and adapt to the other's moves."

He nodded, and we began sparring. I threw a punch, which he dodged with a small spin, and he attempted a spinning back-fist while doing so, without bothering to look where his attack was going. I caught his hand easily.

"Quick note," I said. "Any time you do any kind of spinning attack like that, you should make sure your head is full turned before delivering the blow, otherwise you won't be able to aim it properly."

We continued sparring for a while, with me occasionally having to correct him on something, but he seemed to absorb my advice pretty quickly, and was doing a little better by the time Elie and Ren showed u there.

"Hey!" Elie called out to us. "I ran into Ren after you left. He said he'd be willing to come along. Kimiko and Jane said they'd help as well."

"Help with what?" Tyler asked.

"We're planning an expedition to the Path of Black Leaves," Elie said. "We're going to try and get another sample from the Bleeding Tree."

"We need some extra help in case there's trouble," I said.

"I could help!" Tyler said enthusiastically.

"It could be dangerous," I pointed out.

"I wanna be a part of things," Tyler said.

"Well, you've got some potential," I told him. "Let's have a few more training sessions and see how much progress you make. Then we'll see about taking you on this mission."

"Okay!" Tyler said, getting back into a fighting stance, determination lighting up on his face.

"Tomorrow," I said, causing him a bit of disappointment. "Like I said. We can't just train constantly. And it's getting kind of late. Let's just relax the rest of the day, and we can pick this up in the morning."

"I guess you have a point," Tyler said. "All right. First thing in the morning. Let's meet here."

"Okay," I said. "See you then."

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