Paris and I met with Tyler outside an old gas station.
"So, kid," I asked. "Have you made up your mind?"
"I think so," he said. "I uh... got caught up on the blog."
"And?" I asked.
"These gods... you mentioned they avoid you, right?" he asked.
"I did bring that up," I confirmed.
"So, if they're as dangerous as you say, I'd um...," he hesitated for a few seconds. "I'd be safer if I stuck around you, right? They wouldn't come for me?"
"Can't exactly promise that, I'm afraid," I said.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"You'd only really be safe from the gods I haven't collected samples of," I said.
"What?" he replied.
"I'll explain," I said. "You see, there's a very specific reason these gods... the Fears... avoid me. You see, if I'm in the presence of one of them for long enough, I'll gain a new power unique to that Fear. And they don't want me reaching my full potential."
"So they... leave you alone?" Tyler asked.
I nodded.
"No Fear presence, no Fear powers," I said. "So I collect whatever samples I can find for the Extractor. Unfortunately, once I have a Fear's power, they no longer have a good reason to avoid me. Meaning they become a threat once I've added them to my arsenal."
"Add to that the fact that the SMSC hates us now," Paris added. "The company of Dan Ferris really isn't the safest place."
Tyler was silent for a while after that. Eventually he spoke up.
"The reason I took this internship in the first place," he said. "It so that I can learn more about medicine. Get experience that'll help me pursue a career."
"Yes," I said. "I remember."
He looked me dead in the eye.
"You can still promise me that, can't you?" he asked.
"Of course," I said.
He nodded, and outstretched his hand.
"Then I'm happy to remain on board, Doctor," he said.
I smirked, and gave him a firm handshake.
"Happy to have you, That Guy Tyler," I said.
He chuckled, and released my hand.
"And even if some Fears are a threat, the rest will still leave you alone," he said. "So, its still kind of safer near you."
"I'd disagree," came a familiar voice from off to the side.
I turned to see none other than David Kallaway, leaning against a gas tank, watching us."
"Kallaway!" I said, greeting him as if he were an old friend. "It's been ten years if its been a day!"
He glared at me silently. I got a better look at him. Srapped vertically across his back was a longsword, held it a dark black sheath. I think it was a Chinese Jian. He was also dressed in golden-brown robes, with black trimming, and with a familiar symbol on the chest, over his heart. A single eye, with a giant, black pupil, and surrounded by a vortex of small, curved lines.
"Those are Scion robes," I stated.
"They look more brownish," Paris said.
"Not the color Cyan," I said. "The Vision Cult."
Kallaway stepped forward.
"My visions lead me to a man name Dyson Malrick," he said. "He's been... informative."
"Dyson Malrick?" I asked. "I've heard of him. Is he still kicking?"
Kallaway suddenly drew his sword and charged at me. Paris darted between us, blocking the attack with a foot long short sword. Kallaway stepped back a bit, eyeing Paris's blade.
"Where'd he get a sword!?" That Guy Tyler asked, shocked.
"Oh, it's been hidden up his coat sleeve this entire time," I said. "Kallaway, allow me to properly introduce my Sparring partner."
"Paris Jacob," Paris said, smirking a little. "Pleased to beat ya."
"Did you just fucking steal my line?" he asked.
"You stole it from Jason Todd in Injustice 2," Paris said. "So put your high horse back in its stable and fuck off."
Paris thrust his blade forward quickly, but Kallaway manifested his wings and flew several feet backward before the attack could land. I aimed a finger at him, and Paris stepped to the side, out of the way (we've practiced for something like this).
"Bang!" I exclaimed, firing a bolt of lightning.
Kallaway calmly switched his sword to his off hand and raised his gauntleted right hand, stopping the bolt of lightning, and seemingly compressing it into a ball of electricity. I raised my eyebrows in shock.
"He caught it?" Paris asked, just as stunned as I was.
Kallaway slammed the ball of lightning on the ground between us, where it exploded, forcing the rest of us to cover our eyes briefly. He calmly sheathed his blade and locked eyes with me.
"I've seen your last two posts," he said. "And I've come here to inform you that things have only started going to shit."
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"There's a storm brewing, Daniel Ferris," he continued. "And your actions from here on out will decide many peoples fates."
He turned to the side, still holding his gaze.
"Try not to fuck everything up," he warned, as he began walking off, leaving the three of us alone again.
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